Italian For Travelers Class in North Scottsdale

Great news for June of 2014!  I will be teaching an Italian class in a relaxed and fun home environment in North Scottsdale, and I would like you to join me.

Here is what is offered:

Italian for Travelers will begin Monday, June 16th. We’ll meet on Monday evenings from 6:45 – 8:45.  The course will conclude on August 18th (10 two hour sessions).  There will be refreshments and socializing during a break about an hour into the class. Classes are offered in the North Scottsdale home of a friend of mine, address will be sent upon payment being received. The cross streets are Dynamite and 56th Street. I have taught another class in this home, and it is a very comfortable learning environment with a wonderful host.

A little information about the class:

This course is specifically designed for students planning a trip to Italy who would like to be able to communicate in situations that arise when traveling and vacationing. There will be little emphasis on grammar. We will have some homework assignments, but no tests or grades. This class is perfect for a beginner with no prior Italian language experience, or those at an elementary level. It is a structured class, taught to accommodate the pace of the group. It is a great introduction to this beautiful language. Materials will be provided. Students should bring a notebook and pen to each class.

Cost for entire program:   $275.00 with a total of 10 classes of two hour meetings. I anticipate the class to fill up very soon. Don’t delay and run the risk of the class filling up before you enroll.

Ready to learn Italian?

How to Enroll:

1) Please read the refund policy below.

2) Call me, Davide Valenti at 480 628-0165, and specify that you would like to take the Italian for Travelers class in North Scottsdale. In the event I don’t respond please leave your name and phone number, and I will respond promptly

3) Address your check to:  Davide Valenti

4) Mail your check, post marked no later than Tuesday June 3rd.

Davide Valenti

3863 E Cathedral Rock Dr

Refund Policy

Once enrolled refunds will not be issued, and classes will not be prorated.

In the event the class is cancelled due to an insufficient number of students (unlikely), those who have already paid will receive a prompt and full refund. Payment for this class will not be applied to future classes or private lessons

If you prefer private instruction please feel free to call me to discuss possible lessons.



Intermediate Italian Class in Ahwatukee

I will be offering an Intermediate / Advanced Italian Class in Ahwatukee. This course will also focus on conversation and grammar. I’m very excited about this class as those who have thus far expressed an interest in taking this course are a great bunch of motivated and serious students.

Classes will be held in a conference room in an office studio near Ray Road and 48th St. There is a white board, large table, great lighting and comfortable seating.  The exact address will be sent to students who have enrolled and paid.

Classes will be held on Thursday evenings, from 6:45 to 8:45, beginning February 20th and ending on April 24th.

Cost for entire program:   $250.00 with a total of 10 classes of two hour meetings.  Materials will be provided

How to Enroll:

1) Call me, Davide Valenti at 480 628-0165.

2) Address your check in the amount of $250.00 to:  Davide Valenti

3) Mail your check, postmarked no later than Thursday February 6th to:

Davide Valenti

3863 E Cathedral Rock Dr.

Phoenix, AZ 85044

4) Payment must be postmarked by Thursday, February 6th, the deadline for enrolling. Please read the refund policy below. Don’t delay as classes will fill up soon and space is limited.

Please note: Once enrolled refunds will not be issued, and classes will not be prorated. Payment for the class for which you are registering can’t be applied to other classes, private lessons or any subsequent future classes that may be offered.

Learn Italian in Phoenix / New Classes in Ahwatukee

Learn Italian in a Relaxed & Fun Environment!

Great news for the Fall of 2013!  Once again I’ll be teaching two Italian classes in a relaxed, fun Ahwatukee home environment, and I would like you to join me. The summer classes were such a success we are doing them again!

Click here: Fun Italian Classes to see photos of the class and to read what students have to say about their Italian language experience.

Here is what is offered:

Beginner’s Italian I Begins: September 26th, meets Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30, concludes on December 12th (10 two hour sessions). We will not have class on Halloween and Thanksgiving. Classes are being held at the Ahwatukee home of a friend of mine; her address will be provided upon registration. Refreshments, music and socializing follow each class.

Italian II   Begins: September 24th, meets Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30, same location.  Classes conclude on November 26th.

A little information about each class: 

Beginner’s Italian is structured as an Italian 101 class. We will have some homework assignments, but unlike a community college class there will be no tests, exams or grades. This is perfect for a beginner with no prior Italian language experience, or those at an elementary level who would enjoy reviewing basic Italian language and grammar. This is a structured class, taught to accommodate the pace of the group and is a delightful introduction to this beautiful language.

Cost for entire program, either class:   $220.00 with a total of 10 classes of two hour meetings.  Due to classes being so economical I anticipate they will fill up very soon. Don’t delay, enroll today!

Italian II is structured as a second semester class, similar to a 102 course.  Again: no homework, no tests, no exams or grades. To fully enjoy, and benefit from this course, students should have a working knowledge of introductory Italian grammar, such as:

  • Gender of nouns, plural formation.
  • Present tense of regular and irregular verbs.
  • Definite & indefinite articles.
  • Adjectives, and possessive adjectives.
  • idiomatic verbal expressions.

Textbook Information   (Same for both classes)

“Ciao” 6th edition by Carla Larese Riga. Used copies are available for as little as $5.00. (Be sure to get the 6th edition).  Same text for either class.

Here is a link to Amazon where the book can be purchased. Feel free to shop around, but this is a great price:

Ready to learn Italian?    

How to Enroll: 

1) Call me, Davide Valenti at 480 628-0165, specify which class you would like to take.

2) Address your check in the amount of $220.00 to:  Davide Valenti

3) Mail your check, post marked no later than Friday September 13th to:

Davide Valenti

3863 E Cathedral Rock Dr.

Phoenix, AZ 85044

4) Payment must be postmarked by Friday, September 13th, the deadline for enrolling. Don’t delay as classes will fill up soon and space is limited. Please read the refund policy below.

Please note: Once enrolled refunds will not be issued and classes will not be prorated. Payment for the class for which you are registering can’t be applied to any subsequent future classes that may be offered.

In the event the class is cancelled due to an insufficient number of students, those who have paid will receive a prompt full refund.

Due to this class being so economical, I expect classes to fill up soon! Don’t delay, enroll today!

Italian Classes in a Fun & Relaxing Environment

Ciao a tutti,

Great news for the Summer of 2013 !  I have been invited to teach two Italian classes in a relaxed and fun home environment in Ahwatukee, and I would like you to join me.

Here is what is offered:

Beginner’s Italian Begins: June 4th, meets Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30, concludes Sept. 10th (15 two hour sessions), with refreshments, music and socializing following each class. Offered in the Ahwatukee home of a friend of mine, address will be sent upon registration.

Italian II   Begins: June 6th meets Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30, same location.  We will take 4th of July off and conclude on Sept. 19th.

A little information about each class: 

Beginner’s Italian is structured as an Italian 101 class. We will have some homework assignments, but no tests, exams or grades. Perfect for a beginner with no prior Italian language experience, or those at an elementary level who need to review basic Italian language and grammar. This is a structured class, taught to accommodate the pace of the group. It is a delightful introduction to this beautiful language.

Cost for entire program, either class:   $220.00 with a total of 15 classes of two hour meetings.  Due to classes being so economical I anticipate they will fill up very soon. Don’t delay, enroll today!

Italian II is structured as a second semester class, similar to a 102 course.  Again: no homework, no tests, no exams or grades. To fully enjoy, and benefit from this course, students should have a working knowledge of introductory Italian grammar, such as:

  • Gender of nouns, plural formation.
  • Present tense of regular and irregular verbs.
  • Definite & indefinite articles.
  • Adjectives, and possessive adjectives.
  • idiomatic verbal expressions.

As a bonus, all registered students will receive a daily e-mail with the  ‘La Parola del Giorno’ ; Italian ‘Word of the Day’, with an audio file to hear the perfect, native pronunciation of each new word.

Textbook Information

“Ciao” 6th edition by Carla Larese Riga. Used copies are available for as little as $3.95. (Be sure to get the 6th edition).  Same text for either class.

Here is a link to Amazon where the book can be purchased. Feel free to shop around, but this is a great price:

Ready to learn Italian?   

How to Enroll:

1) Call me, Davide Valenti at 480 628-0165, specify which class you would like to take.

2) Address your check in the amount of $220.00 to:  Davide Valenti

3) Mail your check, post marked no later than May 24th to:

Davide Valenti

3863 E Cathedral Rock   Dr.

Phoenix, AZ 85044

4) Payment must be postmarked by May 24th the deadline for enrolling.

Once enrolled refunds will not be issued and classed will not be prorated.

Due to this class being so economical I expect the class to fill up soon.

Don’t delay, enroll today !

IL Complesso Performing at Bell’Italia for Mother’s Day

Live Music by Il Complesso on Sunday, May 12th (By Reservation Only)

Davide Valenti – Vocals
Dave Henning – Piano
Pete Gitlin – Guitar & Bass Guitar

For Mother’s Day, Il Complesso will be performing a variety of music from the Italian songbook, Brazilian tunes and jazz standards.

Enjoy tasty Italian cuisine prepared by Chef Mario and Chef Roberto.

This will be a reservation only event with two seatings. The first seating will go from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, and the second seating will begin at 2:30 pm and end at 4:30 pm. There will be a fixed menu with a fixed price including all courses. Please call Bell’Italia at (480) 893-1233 or ( 602) 460-2702 to make a reservation.

Live Music Event Menu


Pope Francis, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina, Elected New Pope by Conclave.

View Pope Francis delivering his first message to Rome and to the world. Below the video you can read some of his opening remarks in Italian.

Papa Francesco

Fratelli e sorelle buona sera, voi sapete che il dovere del conclave era di dare un vescovo a Roma, sembra che i miei fratelli cardinali sono andati a prenderlo quasi alla fine del mondo ma siamo qui.

Vi ringrazio per l’accoglienza della comunità diocesana di Roma al suo vescovo. Vorrei fare una preghiera per il nostro vescovo emerito Benedetto XVI. Preghiamo insieme per lui perché il Signore lo benedica e la Madonna lo custodisca

Incominciamo questo cammino della chiesa di Roma, vescovo e popolo, di fratellanza, amore, fiducia tra noi. Preghiamo sempre per noi, l’uno per l’altro, perchè vi sia una grande fratellanza.

Adesso vorrei dare la benedizione ma prima vi chiedo un favore: prima che il Vescovo benedica il popolo vi chiedo che voi preghiate il Signore perché mi benedica. La preghiera del popolo che chiede la benedizione per il suo Vescovo.

Learn Italian in Phoenix / Scottsdale with an Italian Professor & Native Speaker

Learn Italian in the Phoenix / Scottsdale area through private instruction from Professor Davide Valenti. Earn a free Italian lesson when you purchase a package of lessons prior to November 3, 2012. For more information call Davide Valenti at 480 628-0165 and mention this promotion.

Location: Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, Paradise Valley, Mesa, Gilbert, Ahwatukee, Chandler