Pompiere / Vigile del fuoco

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the word pompiere which means fireman. Another term used for fireman is vigile del fuoco. My prayers go out to the families of the firemen who lost their lives in the fire at Yarnell Hill.

I pompieri rischiano la loro vita per noi.

Firemen risk their lives for us.

Audio File: Pompiere / Vigile del fuoco



Faccia tosta

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the phrase faccia tosta. In Italian we say that somene has a faccia tosta when that person has the gall, nerve, audacity, chutzpa to say or do something.

Matteo ha la faccia tosta di dire che pagherà più tardi.

Matteo has the nerve to say that he will pay later.

Audio File: Faccia Tosta







Volere è potere

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the expression volere è potere which means to be willing is to be able. It is similar to “where there is a will, there is a way“. This expression is absolutely true when it comes to learning a second language! Listen to the native pronunciation below.

Audio File: Volere è Potere





Quando il gatto manca, i topi ballano.

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the proverb, “Quando il gatto manca, i topi ballano.”
It means,”When the cat’s away, the mice will play.” Below you’ll find an audio file where you can here the native pronunciation of this expression.

Audio File: Quando il gatto manca, i topi ballano.