
I am continuing the false friends series for La Parola del Giorno. False friends are pairs of words or phrases in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning.

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the adjective comprensivo, which means understanding. It does not mean comprehensive.

Franco e’ molto comprensivo.

Franco is very understanding.

Comprensivo Audio File


I am continuing the false friends series for La Parola del Giorno. False friends are pairs of words or phrases in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning.

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the word annoiato, which means bored. It does not mean annoyed.

Mi sono annoiato a morte durante il discorso.

I was bored to death during the speech.

Annoiato Audio File











I am continuing the false friends series for La Parola del Giorno. False friends are pairs of words or phrases in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning.

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the noun magazzino, which means warehouse or department store. It does not mean magazine.

Amazon ha aperto un magazzino italiano a Piacenza.

Amazon has opened an Italian warehouse in Piacenza.

Magazzino Audio File


I am continuing the false friends series for La Parola del Giorno. False friends are pairs of words or phrases in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning.

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the noun rumore, which means noise. It does not mean rumour.

Ho sentito un rumore assordante.

I heard a deafening noise.

Rumore Audio File



I am continuing the false friends series for La Parola del Giorno. False friends are pairs of words or phrases in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning.

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the noun argomento, which means subject, topic, matter, reasons. It does not mean argument.

L’aborto e’ un argomento polemico.

Abortion is a controversial topic.

Argomento Audio File










We will take a break from the series on words considered false friends to recognize this historic day for Catholics around the world. La Parola del Giorno is dovere which means duty. It is a word Papa Francesco used in his opening remarks which you can read and listen to in the video below. A transcript of some of Papa Francesco’s remarks in Italian are included below the video.

Voi sapete che il dovere del conclave era di dare un vescovo a Roma.

You know that the duty of the conclave was to give a Bishop to Rome.

Fratelli e sorelle buona sera, voi sapete che il dovere del conclave era di dare un vescovo a Roma, sembra che i miei fratelli cardinali sono andati a prenderlo quasi alla fine del mondo ma siamo qui.

Vi ringrazio per l’accoglienza della comunità diocesana di Roma al suo vescovo. Vorrei fare una preghiera per il nostro vescovo emerito Benedetto XVI. Preghiamo insieme per lui perché il Signore lo benedica e la Madonna lo custodisca

Incominciamo questo cammino della chiesa di Roma, vescovo e popolo, di fratellanza, amore, fiducia tra noi. Preghiamo sempre per noi, l’uno per l’altro, perchè vi sia una grande fratellanza.

Adesso vorrei dare la benedizione ma prima vi chiedo un favore: prima che il Vescovo benedica il popolo vi chiedo che voi preghiate il Signore perché mi benedica. La preghiera del popolo che chiede la benedizione per il suo Vescovo.


I have begun a new series for La Parola del Giorno consisting of false friends. False friends are pairs of words or phrases in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning.

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the verb pretendere, which means to want, to expect, to demand; it does not mean to pretend.

Io pretendo onesta’ dai miei amici.

I expect honesty from my friends.

Pretendere Audio File



I have begun a new series for La Parola del Giorno consisting of false friends. False friends are pairs of words or phrases in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning.

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the verb ricoverare, which means to hospitalize; it does not mean to recover.

Dopo aver compilato i moduli necessari Marco e’ stato ricoverato all’ospedale Santa Maria per alcune analisi.

After filling out the necessary forms Marco was hospitalized for some tests at St. Mary’s Hospital.

Ricoverare Audio File


I have begun a new series for La Parola del Giorno consisting of false friends. False friends are pairs of words or phrases in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning.

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the word commozione, which means emotion. It does not mean commotion.

La mamma non poteva trattenere la commozione quando ha visto suo figlio dopo tanti anni.

The mother wasn’t able to control her emotions when she saw her son after so many years.

Commozione Audio File


I have begun a new series for La Parola del Giorno consisting of false friends. False friends are pairs of words or phrases in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning.

Today’s Parola del Giorno is the verb sopportare, which means to tolerate, to bear, to stand. It does not mean to support.

Non posso sopportare il freddo.

I can’t tolerate the cold.

Sopportare Audio File