I have been studying Italian with Davide just shy of two years. I am extremely satisfied with my progress learning a new language thanks to him. The pace of the class is very reasonable. We have stayed on schedule with finishing each chapter on time. I have never felt behind and was able to divide the assignments up in very reasonable parts during the week including a day off. This has allowed me to still be able to balance other life responsibilities. If you do happen to miss a lesson you can watch the recording at a later time.
The structure of the class is very relaxed. Davide is extremely personable and I never felt like I couldn’t ask a question. With his good sense of humor it makes the class more enjoyable to the point where I felt like I was conversing with a good friend while learning another language. It also has made me feel like I’m enjoying a new hobby instead of being in a “class.”
One of my favorite things was using more than just the textbook. Davide shows us how we would use the material in real life situations such as meeting people, little pieces of Italian etiquette, or going to a restaurant. These come from his first hand experiences not just a textbook saying they are correct. We also are assigned comprehension questions for an Italian show which made me see how it all comes together. At any point during the lesson or correcting assignments if he thinks of anything that can tie into the lesson he will give a brief explanation and add it to the lesson. This “big picture” approach has really helped me improve quicker and smoother than expected.
All of these are proof of how passionate he is for all of us. I am always surprised how fast the night goes. Please consider Davide if you are passionate about learning Italian. It will be a very enjoyable journey.